One way customers find us is through , a search engine that searches over 150 million books for sale. I noticed recently that now Bookfinder lists independent bookstores with the following identifying logo:
Pistil Books Online
United States
Neat! Also, I recently sent a note to Bookfinder through their comment form and was pleased and surprised that a real person replied to my message the next day.
In news from IOBA (Independent Online Booksellers Association):
I am pleased to announce that the latest issue of The Standard, the official newsletter of the IOBA (Independent Online Booksellers Association), has been published and is available here:
This marks the first all-new issue in almost three years and there are some great articles: on dealer discounts, on famed booksellers Leona Rostenberg and Madeleine B. Stern, literary travels, yours truly on the importance of turnover, as well as reviews, book fair reports and member profiles.
The newsletter is available for all booksellers and bibliophiles. But if you like what you see, do hope you'll consider joining:
Thanks for your attention.
-Brian Cassidy,
Editor The IOBA Standard